Balance Your Binge with Exercise This New Year and Recharge Your Body with Milk #HazloEjercicio

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With all the Christmas and New Year’s parties, Posadas, weekends of baking, and the countless tamaladas, it is very easy to be saddled with a few extra pounds and a little extra guilt.  I’m not a health nut and I don’t count calories, but this time of year I take that guilt…wallow in it for a few days (or until we finish all the pan dulce and Champurrado in the house) and then I let it boil over and take charge.  We are all busy with our jobs, friends, and families and it can be difficult to get get to the gym, to say nothing of falling into a regular workout regimen.

Worry not, for The California Milk Processor Board recently launch a new series of ten “Hazlo Ejercicio” (Do Exercise) video segments to encourage us all to incorporate some exercise into our daily routine without going nuts. No heavy equipment, and definitely no expensive memberships.  Most of the exercises can be done while cleaning your home or between conference calls with things like a chair, a phone book  and even a gallon of milk!

Below Stephen and Porkchop show you how easy and fun exercising can be! They are doing the “Carousel Horse” just like in the video.  The premise is to put your child on your shoulders and walk or jog around the house. You can substitute your squirming puppy for playtime with your child.  And if they are both in time-out, grab a sack of potatoes for some quick laps and lunges around your yard. Don’t forget, drink a glass of milk after your workouts to replenish your muscles.



The video segments will air on Despierta America every weekday morning from January 7th to January 18th between 7 am and 8 am (PST).  But if you miss it just check out El Maestro’s Youtube Channel  for all of the videos.

Hey LatinoFoodie Nation, don’t forget to subscribe to the El Vaso Medio Lleno YouTube Channel for more easy and fun videos.  And share the link with your friends and family.  Summer is just around the corner, more importantly, my wedding is quickly approaching and I gotta look good!

This is part of a sponsored campaign with the California Milk Processor Board and Latina Mom Bloggers. However, all opinions expressed are my own. No animals were harmed while photographing this post. Traumatized maybe, not harmed.  🙂 Pork Chop is a trooper!

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