AltaMed Health Services hosted LatinoFoodie and other local food bloggers to preview its upcoming 6th Annual East LA Meets Napa celebration at Union Station on Friday, July 8. Now, we’re not talking rice and beans here. This was everything from black mole tamales to duck confit tacos topped with a jamaica and tomatillo sauce. Pictured Left to Right: Lotería Grill […]

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Fathers, Food & Fotos — Share Your Memories

This weekend it’s all about DAD!  While you are preparing your Father’s Day brunches or dinners by marinating your steaks or cleaning up the grill, take a minute to submit family photos, stories and recipes from your big Father’s Day Weekend to [email protected]. Or, if your father is not here with you because he’s gone up to heaven or […]

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Make Way for a Frozen Summer

Summer is knock-knock-knocking on your door and she’s brought some guests: Frozen Desserts!  Ice Cream is great, but what about the often over-looked cousins?  I’m talking about ices, pops, paletas, and raspados?  Recently, we were exploring the South Pasadena Farmers Market and came across Carmela Ice Creaam.  This unique little creamery located in Pasadena has some delicious […]

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You Say Tomato, I Say Xitomatl!

After reading Norma Vega’s recent Cultural Capsule on the Origin of the Tomato, we were inspired to create our own “tomatopalooza.” We had fun searching for some tasty tomato/xitomatl recipes.  What are your favorite xitomatl based recipes?   Huevos Rancheros smothered in Tomato Sauce As palettes are awakened and grow, a foods’ status can also evolve from peasant food to haute cuisine.   We can’t speak of […]

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Food Pyramid: Ancient History

We’ve all heard that the great USDA Food Pyramid has fallen: Long Live the Plate!  If you recall, when the Pyramid came out in the 90s, it was controversial, not to mention confusing and nutritionally flawed. Let’s face it. It was carb heaven and the meat and dairy folks quickly charged Congress to have it […]

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Book Review: Food Trucks

Food Trucks by Heather Shouse I picked this book up simply because of the title.  Seriously.  Before I even opened the book, I began to panic: could the promise of the title be yet another let down?  Would I be reading about food trucks in New York or Miami?  What good would that do me […]

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