You Say Tomato, I Say Xitomatl!

After reading Norma Vega’s recent Cultural Capsule on the Origin of the Tomato, we were inspired to create our own “tomatopalooza.” We had fun searching for some tasty tomato/xitomatl recipes.  What are your favorite xitomatl based recipes?   Huevos Rancheros smothered in Tomato Sauce As palettes are awakened and grow, a foods’ status can also evolve from peasant food to haute cuisine.   We can’t speak of […]

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Ahh, the Tomato-based Salmorejo (Gazpacho from Córdoba, España)

Submitted by: Norma Vega I must give credit to my friend, Francisco López Castro, who’s from Espejo, Córdoba, for this recipe. Spanish gazpacho has a looser consistency, whereas salmorejo is creamier and smoother. Preparation: In a large bowl place about 5 large (2 lbs.), VERY ripe red tomatoes. (preferably the kind you see at the Farmer’s Market). Peeled, […]

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